How to arrive to Sestriere down below you will find the list of all possible alternatives to reach the locality.
Sestriere’s street and highway connections are among the most efficient ones in the whole Alpine range. Thanks to the 2006 Olympics, the facilities have been completely restyled allowing for fast and safe connections.
The main ones are:
Highway + ‘strada statale’:
From Torino Autostrada A32 Frejus Tunnel Motorway Oulx ovest exit, continue on Monginevro strada statale SS24.
From France Autostrada A32 Frejus Tunnel Motorway Oulx ovest exit, continue on Monginevro strada statale SS24 until Cesana Torinese, then Colle di Sestriere provincial road 23R.
From Aosta Valley (A5), Lombardy (A4 and A21), Liguria (A26-A21 and A6) connection with Torino bypass (A55), exit to A32 Frejus Tunnel Motorway Oulx ovest exit, continue on the SS24 Monginevro strada statale.
Torino – Susa – Sestriere: SS24 Monginevro strada statale until Cesana Torinese, continue on the 23R Colle di Sestriere provincial road connection Torino – Pinerolo – Sestriere: 23R Colle di Sestriere provincial road.
Susa Valley is connected by trains, either from Torino in Italy or from Paris in France.
The name of the closest train station is Oulx and daily high-speed trains on the Milan – Turin – Lion – Paris line pass through.
Olympic valleys have many nearby airport facilities:
Torino Caselle (112 Km)
Milano Malpensa (232 Km)
Milano Bergamo Orio Al Serio (279 Km)
Genova (275 Km)
Nice (385 Km)
Thanks to Arriva, the bus company, there are numerous connection by bus:
Sestriere Urban Shuttle
Schedules in effect daily from 07/12/2024 to 23/03/2025 and from 12/04 to 21/04/2025.
On weekends from 24/03 to 06/04/2025.
Sestriere Lines S1-S2:
Via Monterotta – Sud Ovest – Quadrifoglio – Palace 2 – Palace 1 – Via La Gleisa – Zona Area Camper – Villaggio Olimpico – Hotel Cavalieri
Connections to Borgata Sestriere, Champlas Janvhier